GOLD STANDARD PARTNERS THE INTRODUCTION I will in this instance call it! I need to disclose that I’m a total and utter amateur when it comes to all of this, since I only begun my exploration into all of this just recently. I have barely been a member for a month and I’m already trying…
THE PLAY OF THE AFFECTIONATE WHAT IS & ISN’T THERE? I don’t know what love is really, even so it’s unconditional. Like my faith in others, trust in others, my acceptence of others, my gratitude towards life and it’s lessons, all and always unconditional, limits on others are however the limits to self in comprehension…
GOD <=> LIFE VICTIMHOOD When stated that something is of your own doing, it is so be cause; it is from within that what your experience comes. Lack of insights will be what makes you self-righteous, and a victim upon yourself and all that are of the same mentality. Know it that there are no…
PSYCHOLOGY – PSEUDO? THE ILLUSION BASED ON CONFIRMATION BIAS Sorry for the wall, but it’s time to think deeper. If you see a woman hit, and others see the same, all you might see is an unprovoked and unnecessary reaction towards a weak person. It’s the observer that determined the outcome and who is who, even…
KRIST-ALL (KA) (2021-MARS-22) VAD ÄR KRISTALL?! Vad är Krist-All? Kort, snabbt och enkelt, så är det ett Parti Namn. KRISTALL | KRIST-ALL kort KA. VARJE DAG LÄR MAN SIG NÅGOT NYTT För några år sedan skapade jag en ‘Drakes Öga’, vilket är en försoning mellan gott och ont, balansen i allt. Den Universella Balansen. Kanske…