While we as a species are a binary race, meaning ‘Male’ & ‘Female’, we also have a big ethical dilemma surrounding the experimentations that is going on; that I usually end up calling ‘Mengele Projects’. It’s as if the medical world have started to idolize the mad scientist mindset, and want to extend on work of grandeur or delusion, where these people want to act as arbitrary gods. The basics in, to begin with introducing opposing hormones into children’s bodies is one thing, but when you later on start to hack them into pieces in order to recreate the exterior to mimic the opposite biological genders visual representation; that’s when it’s gone into realms of the phsycophant’s and phsycopath’s.
The next step is the psychological impact of things, which is the reason for the ever growing interest in physical ‘treatments’ and the experimentation that have been active in recent times. I would state that this is mostly because of confusion, born from the want to escape the current situation regarding the biological genders that have been hypersexualized over time. That in turn have come to be that some people have become a breakout group, that disapprove the societal norm, and avoid conforming to it’s ideals. This has given people reason to try and separate themselves by creating numerous different ‘gender pronoun’s’, where they want to express their discomfort and live as one specific emotion instead of with acceptance to what form they have biologically. Pronoun’s in a way becomes a ridicule of reasoning. He/Him & She/Her, have been the way to convey information to a third party, based in their biological gender, and have never been in regard to how the involved party want others to perceive them (as a group, not a singular person, because words have meaning). It seems as though the described party perceive the pronoun as a personal attack instead of being objective in regards to what is delivered to others. For me that points toward self-hatred; which is why the person involved specifically want’s to force others into their own self-delusions.
I was however early on to adopt the word ‘hen’ since within Swedish at least it’s a gender-neutral expression, and it’s shorter then saying he or she. Pronoun’s: Han – (He) | Hon – (She) | Hen – (Unknown or Undefined Binary Biological Gender) In or out of respect to others I have conformed myself to use one of these three pronoun’s, because two of them are the binary opposition, and the third is either an undefined biological gender or non-binary expression. Life is all about simplicity, ignorance creates complexity. The way pronoun’s are established at the moment, kind of makes the whole regards to respect an act of ridicule, where in there have been a multitude of pronoun’s established, that has no reasoning behind them other then ‘I want to show how difficult I can be, and I want you to give me; my much needed attention since I didn’t get it from my parents.’
They/Them, which logically is words used to convey others towards a specific group, is a word with a basis in plurals, meaning more then one, but some people who are singular, want’s to be treated as if they (as in a group of people) are in singular, a they or them, which basically breaks language into illogical grammar. Words have meaning, even though they(context! As in words) might not have power over an individual. How emotionally deprived do you need to be in order to stop thinking rationally and with intellectual intent such as with logic? Oh, I forgot, the majority of the people that create these pronoun’s are not within the highest tier of academia, and act out in emotional distress with screams or violence. They (as those creating pronoun’s out of nothing) disregard history and other people’s freedom of expression, which ends up with them (People not able to handle facts from fiction) instead of listening, becoming activists that censor what they are incapable of comprehending. Thus proving that their communicative growth is limited to their own self-conviction rather then respecting intellectual reasoning and biological facts.
There is a deep rooted problem within our society, that goes back to how we perceive things as either masculine and another feminine which is bigoted and creates a bias; thus gradually restricts how people might or should behave or present themselves, and it is through tribe mentality that much of these restrictions have occurred.
In Scotland for example, it’s manly to have a skirt, while it’s perceived as girlish in most other parts of the world. Things like this need to change, but not so much regarding pronoun’s, that is just childish activism that seems to have been fed with resources by people that either didn’t think of the consequences or by those that want to see parts of the world burn. Most of the activist groups got economical support and grew very quickly and with social media as a tool, ‘adults’ of self-evident lack of deduction skills and reasoning, and children and got manipulated to take in very fanatic ideas from extremists. The minds of children are very malleable, and as the environment around them(as in children) are of a specific ideology; that philosophy and the principles thereof will be what ultimately indoctrinates the mindset of that generation. Especially if there is a strong support network nearby that constantly pushes the same rhetoric within their(as in the children) vicinity.
There have been plenty of situations where in people have been convinced that they(these people spoken off) are something that they(the same people spoken of earlier) are not, such as the reports regarding people having Tourette’s in the multitude, but as soon as they(the victims of social media imprinting) were told that they didn’t have Tourette’s, all their symptoms ended. That is the placebo effect, which takes me to the next part, which is the creation of the populist fascism of false liberalism with neo-feminists, and the extremist alphabet(prideworld/lbtqxxxx+) activists present who have basically tried to censor anything they can’t handle emotionally, and have openly spoken out-loud of their hatred of biology and ‘men’ in particular; all out of ignorance of what is and isn’t masculine and appropriate traits of being masculine. Ending up working towards creating a world that is based solemnly in emotion, without reasoning. Destroying historical remnants and have worked towards censorship of old works of history, and cause the ‘politically correct’ impediment to exist which is a result of a bunch of spineless people subjecting themselves to be controlled by individuals who are too blind to perceive that they themselves are the problem that they constantly seem to fight, because they are unable to comprehend the big feat and difference that historical works display just by existing, a proof that humans as a species slowly, but surely eventually outgrow disrespectful behavior, and also learn not to take everything personally. Racism is a result of generational indoctrination and ignorance through cognitive-dissonance, people see what they want to see, and they will interpret everything through a lens of their own belief-system. You cannot teach other’s what they are not willing to comprehend, and thus children should just be taken from race-ideologists and placed in homes that are capable of living outside of a tribal society that feeds on the determination to forever be a victim of delusion.
- Biological Gender: Male or Female
- Transition; No, to Male or to Female
- Gender Identity; Traditional, Non-Traditional or Androgynous
- Identity Expression; Fluent, Non-Fluent
- Sexual Identity; Bi-Sexual, Homosexual or Straight
- Sexual Abbreviation; Intellectual or Physical
- Pose Expression; Abstract (non-Tribal), Pop-Culture (Tribal), Fashionable, Traditional, non-Traditional or Professional
- Philosophical Identity; Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Catholic, Taoist, National Socialist, Communist, Syndicalist, Anarchist, Capitalist, Anarcho-Capitalist, Monarchist, Satanist etc.
- Pronoun: Call me She, Him, It, Idiot or what ever you feel is appropriate at the time and point a finger in my direction, because it’s a pronoun is a generalization based on the perception of your exterior representation. Your true pronoun is your own name from how I see it, while a pronounce is based in exterior deduction, but if one looks like a female or male, chances are they are either a female or a male.
- BG; Male
- T; No
- GI; Traditional
- IE; Non-Fluent
- SI; Straight
- SA; Intellectual
- PE; Abstract/Other
- PI; Syndicalist/Anarcho-Capitalist
- Pronoun; My Name, and most likely because of the basis of my biological gender or genetics,
it’s probably most scientifically accurate and appropriate to use – He/Him.
From how I see it, anyone that are open-minded, and capable of thinking in layers and with combinations would come to accept these groups of descriptions, and with time, everyone could pitch in with more precision regarding pose expressions, and the philosophical identity, because right now it hasn’t evolved into it’s many different possibilities.
That’s what you have a Name for! As for me a name or nickname is the accurate pronoun to use in regards to a specific person, My first name for friends, my middle name for family and close friends befriended before my name change, and my nickname for strangers. If by any chance, (which is very common by the way) strangers wouldn’t know my first or second name or even my nickname, then the most likely (from their perspective of course) gender representation would be the accurate one to use. Only the petty would care what a third-person party would present you as momentarily.
You can’t escape yourself, and the hatred you put yourself through; out of the limitations to your biological importance as a human being. The older you get the wiser . . . That’s bullshit, you actually need to use your brain in order to become wise. It’s called self-reflection and insight. The whole idea about people getting wiser as they get older, is not what I would state as something true. However as information shared has it’s growth, so does the wisdom between generations excel.