You will comprehend what I mean, while you read the segments.
To get such a nice and comprehensive vision to work towards, and I got crushed with in a minute after realising how big of a job this actually is, especially when you are no-one, without the necessary skills, know to, or connections. Because for this to work, I actually need to get into contact with very influential people across our beautiful planet.
From the beginning, it was created as a tool for science departments to share data in between different universities, but got so much attention that it grew to become something more, and it expanded, from being a closed network over distance to a shared network; that soon after grew to global proportions. Today we call it as we have been since it’s global release; the world wide web, or the Internet as is more common in layman terms.
The internet was envisioned to give everyone a chance to innovate and grow, learn and teach others and share freely, but sadly to say, that version of the free expression has slowly been dying because the users have become more and more centralized to just a few commodities, that started out as innovation, but grew into gatekeepers that now hold most of the power to control, what you are able to access, what you are supposed to believe, what you are supposed to accept, what you are supposed to do, what you are supposed to say, what you are supposed to express, what you are supposed to be essentially, wherein you just become a cog in another individuals dream of self-destruction, that steals every thought you ever had, every data of what you do, think, say, hear, read, write. . . Your location, it’s become a totalitarian spyware, and people just let it happen out of ignorance, blinded by comfort and naïve responses, politicians have been donated to in order to in order to push laws and regulations, and the few have slowly been taking over the free market, where their corrupt ways that have made them the gatekeepers that they are right now.
SO HOW; Do we bring back the original plan of freedom and expression? By destruction, havoc and chaos of course! The question is; how do you solve a problem that is building up to becoming a dystopian future for mankind as is? The answer is; Out with the old and in with the new.
As the years have passed, problems have been showing up, hackers, botnets, corrupt laws, corrupt corporations, exploitation of the global community and at every corner of every new problem, there’s been solutions that have been slowly implemented over time, but not fast enough to actually conquer the barriers.
People want privacy, they want to own their intellectual property, they want to be able to speak freely, think freely and express themselves freely, while HugNet which in Hebrew Gematria equals 360; could take off to become a total turn of events. In my mind, HugNet is a multitude of things, the revolution in waiting. In the beginning it was just a small Idea.

I saw the pain in everyone, as I still do, and I wanted to conquer it with hugs, by selling patches, with the HugNet emblem and with attached velcro, in order for people to put them on their clothes, and when in need of a hug; have the patch be visible and would function as a welcoming to hugs by random strangers, and if a hug wasn’t appropriate because of the temporary mindset, the patch would be removable within a second; to be put in the pocket for a rainy day, but then #metoo blew up, and I thought, “Maybe it’s not such a good idea right now”.
There was also the fact that the patches were expensive, thus I would have needed people to pledge, because I wanted to support small businesses that doesn’t support slave labour, which means to not outsource the work to an underprivileged country where people wouldn’t get payed properly for an honest days work, nor did I want the risk of child labour being part of the campaign. Something that some companies in the world all too often don’t care about.
Then new things arose and grew into a problem regarding people hugging each other on random, the ‘common cold decease 19’ became a hysterical moment that none in these generations will forget. I don’t say ‘common cold’ with a light heart, it’s more out of a non-ignorant standpoint, COVID19 is not a name, it’s a definition to a nameless virus, and as it evolves, they keep stating that it’s a new variation, so COVID19 is short for Corona Virus Decease 19. Corona virus means common cold in common tongue, but it’s not what it was, it was a decease with common cold and SARS2 attributes, so it has been confusing at times because of censorships, pushed information and statements from people that doesn’t even work in the medical field like politicians, so it felt more like a powerplay rather then facts, and people still wear masks even though they barely do anything other then perhaps make you sicker in the long run with other conditions.
The politicians started fearing relations to dictators and their feelings, which is why COVID19 is a classification of a group of symptoms rather then an actual definition of a Virus, it means, it’s not been named and they can use it against the public at any time to enforce their sense of control and justice, it’s just playtime for them. It’s name is Wuhan Virus, it’s where it originated from, that’s where ground zero was, don’t forget that the one person that warned the world about the virus also was one of the first to die of it, and he worked at the Wuhan Institute of Technology. We don’t know what’s true, because the people that really know, isn’t being TRANSPARENT. First they (means unknown or known depending on context, group of people without specification (So I don’t know if it was the science community, medical community, governments or media|alterantive media)) said it was a sick pangolin that must have been sold at the Wuhan wet-market and given people the sickness, then when there was backlash on the information regarding wet-markets, the pangolin story and other information, and it eventually changed to it might have been a bat that started it all. Sure. . . I can believe in one thing though, it might just have been a bat, an escaped convict of animal testing; bat. I’m not blaming China, nor America for possibly being aligned and paying for the research going on in Wuhan Institute of Technology, since it’s a common practice within the medical science community and elsewhere to speed up a process of something, in order to find a way to cure/fix it before it naturally evolves to that state. That’s why car companies crashes cars to see the effect, and minimize the risk of injury etc.
The world population was basically in disarray and got controlled in very totalitarian ways, in what can only be seen as clown police/military states, if true transparent behaviour had been there from the beginning, people would had complied without a problem. A lot of people got free time to think and gain insight to mature in themselves too, and the world got temporary cleaner which yielded sensations around the world like dolphins visiting Venice for the first time in ages with the lack of pollution. The world get really polarised because of this event. It wasn’t better that people naturally operate from the state of fear, which create limited connections of what is true and not. I say the lack of transparency was the problem, it’s alright to say, we don’t know sometimes, we are trying to gain as much data as possible in order to help you in the best way possible, but it didn’t go down that road, instead governments, media and a lot of other people that have no direct knowledge in the process of science worked with companies to censor information, and that backlashed horrendously making the situation even worse, the access to free information is what makes people think, and you need people to think on their own in order to find it in themselves to accept and respect other people’s informed choices. The big problem was that people got shot down with their arguments, and were told they were wrong even though people didn’t even know what was right. TRANSPARENCY, and a new outlook in the ways information is shared would be lovely!
I started to think that maybe, I’m on the wrong path. I had joined the Swedish political party named “Direktdemokraterna”, whom states that they are a political party based in the philosophy of liquid democracy. In short; The Idea is to give all members of society to vote on everything that happens to the nation as a whole, through individual choices or by selecting others to vote in specific sets of questions.
I had much to say from the beginning of my entry, and few to none that listened even though I talked to the inner circle of the party almost daily in periods in between my cycles of depression and not, I ended up stating that the party was a democratic tool, rather then a political party, and this resulted in me eventually leaving the party, because the inner circle of ‘DD’, thought that the party direction should be controlled by votes between it’s members, which from my standpoint stagnates the possibility of making it. In order to succeed you need a vision, and you need leadership, and chaos can only become order, when all are moving in the same direction.
I’m a visionary, you can call me a dreamer, but a dreamer has no goal other then to be him/her-self, a visionary puts the tools to use.
That way it will become a bigger party that already have a bright future ahead of itself, but I got chewed out because I took the matter in my own hands, trying to lead them into a functional direction, where it grows. I even created in cooperation with another member, a new set of 6 discord servers with different purposes that were interconnected for communication to happen within the memberships and officials a workspace for potentially thousands of people to work in tandem, but this was downvoted without any voting, because the one’s in control of the current servers wanted to use what they had, and expand when needed. Instead of having an infrastructure that would make it feel more in line of already being there, which is a way to make people work harder to reach something.
Morals is displayed as black or white (left – duality)
A pure mind acts with the morals set in growth (right – unity)MESSENGER OF TRUTH. I AM
After leaving I had a another manic episode in my life and in that I created “KRIST-ALL”, a prototype political party based solemnly in transparent direct democracy, that would have a fascist leadership within the party till it could be established on a national level, then it would give all power to the people, that was my thought about KA, because I don’t seek power over others, I seek to empower, an leadership is only needed while steering the ship at see, while on land, everyone walks freely.
I had started to give up on HugNet, in order to possibly start a new political party here in Kristinehamn(Krist-in-é-hamn (Christ in a Port) It’s a stupid joke, I’m not JC, there can only be one of them), but for that to be possible, I would need two more like-minded people in order to start the building block for it. Without money, and with debts, living on government issued monthly payments for the poor, I eventually got told that I wouldn’t be able to live on welfare if I became a politician, which was a no-brainer from the get-go, my thoughts was to create a non-profit association and build it up while having welfare, an transition into a political environment where I would no longer need welfare, but politicians live on a higher amount of welfare, so it’s not a big deal, it’s all just tax money delegated to different people and institutions that have different rules to abide by. It’s actually right in front of people, all tax money that ends up in the individuals pocket is a welfare check with another name, and people have been shamed for being poor, but respected if you have a job.
In order to create a political party, you need to start a non-profit association, which means I would have to find two people who would have a brain, and the will to help change the politics within the municipality, then the county, to eventually end up on the national stage and as an end goal unattainably be on the international stage changing Europe’s policies.
I created a logo, a name, a political program, the plan, I even created a slogan, which got criticised because people can’t handle that two words that means the same thing, also means two different things, and they could only see and say the whole, ‘why use the same word twice?’ thing.
I quickly comprehended that starting a political party is a too big of a job for one person, because there’s no way I’m going to find at least two people in this city that are capable of spending all their time and energy into learning about the political system, how it works, how you speak in respect to others, how you think and plan and uphold a spark of passion for the end goal, so I just gave up again, but Life never gives up on you.
I feel like a failure at every turn. Thoughts of another social problem arose that really needs to get solved, and it’s easier then a political party, but not really, because you need to talk to bigoted and ignorant politicians in order to get it to be governmentally funded, so I gave up again, this was regarding the formation of an information archive that would hold polarised perspectives surrounding different substances, it’s to determine the minimum amount needed for it to be classed as lethal and dangerous, with both the scientific studies present from everywhere in the world, and personal notes from actual users, and the theoretical(from science) and practical(from users) outcome dictated and open for everyone to read about or listen too, in order to determine an unbiased decisional outcome of what to do regarding different substances, like the recreational kind, medical kinds or those found in food or used on crops. It’s not a one person job, I’m just the designer, and designers are useless without tools to create.
I had another Idea, about low income dynamic housing, created from a combination of soap and concrete, you are able to create buildings that are self-isolating, don’t catch on fire or sink when introduced to fire, I started to think about the possibility of building them as pods that could be placed onto hexagonal floating structures that could be combined to create floating islands, and I thought about communities where you would lift them up in small Eiffel towers, where every level had a park and communal services such as kitchens and washrooms shared together in order to meet and socialize, the pods would be cheap, since they are basically just an igloo with window beds and a table, large enough for maybe two people to sleep in or maybe even bigger to household a small family of a total of four, the building was never meant to be where you spend your days, it’s just protection from the elements and a place to sleep. I spoke about this with a friend and he asked me, where are the things from? You are a vegan, you need to think about stuff like that, so I got stuck in thought; where the materials come from, and the work that is needed in order to get the resources, and what skills to acquire and so on.
I need to learn architecture and a lot of other stuff, lost my flare again, because my life is too short to learn all things in the world, I need people, but I have principles, and having a workforce that I can’t pay is slavery! I thought fuck it, I’m going to do something easy, since I think I can do ‘LAGOM’ (which in Swedish means “not too much, not too little”, just a balance in between.) Did you forget that I just said I’m an all in kind of guy? The pods could be an individual expression, where art took away it’s sterile gray exterior and interior, a colourful world that doesn’t isolate itself and takes their homes with them as they travel, It would be the end of long-time hotel living and we would need to start thinking of how to ship the homes from place to place. Maybe that was why I wanted the hexagon platforms created with metal and bamboo. The world is big, and our homes are too big, we exist only there, a hostage of material things, instead of living and traveling. Maybe it’s just me, maybe it’s my problem alone, to live in a two room apartment where I nearly ever meet with anyone, don’t cook with friends or neighbours. Maybe it’s only me that feel poor inside, lost and alone, while everything seems to speed up around the exterior of my home a stagnant time-pod, so was the igloos an excuse? Me dreaming of a united global society where people diminish their overtake on nature? I don’t think so. I’m far from alone, but there is a physical separation going on, where people are taken away from connecting with the spirit and nature, where people act as if their mortal body is king of the world, high above everything, with the privilege to kill and conquer any and every region or species that stand in our way. Why do people seek to separate themselves? We have lost the connection to each other, be cause we try to define ourselves, re-invent in order to be more, even though every one are at the same level of self-worth. Unable to see and comprehend others because everything is obscured with how they think society wants them to be and act. Mislead by a lack of self-esteem and self-respect.
I have multiple diagnosis’s ADHD, I’m on the Autism spectrum & have Bipolar Disorder(type 1), so throughout the years I have sought a lot of medical advice in order to get back on my feet, since I can’t really handle a big 60 ton truck if I can’t focus on the road and what’s going around me, and I have principles, don’t be behind the wheels when angry, and having anger issues at the time, I found it unbearable to be part of a system, where I was a cog in someone else’s dream to work. Angry, Impulsive, Depressed in cycles. . . Suicidal for month’s on end. . . You see where this is going right? I didn’t work long as a truckdriver, before I knew it wasn’t for me at all, It’s never going to be. I can’t handle the time sitting still for hours, it ends up with me loosing focus entirely and I had some minor mishaps at least once a week while on the job, because I didn’t think ahead etc. It was hell, and I didn’t feel better about myself at all. I wasn’t fully accepted by my piers because I had poppy red hair. Punk and Syndicalism has been at my heart for a long time now, It was introduced to me through a friend in school, I became a incompetent truck-driver and he failed it all together. Anyway to have it stated out loud. I said no to driving a truck, and I said no to ever work within that genre ever again. I got used, and for asking questions accused of stealing what I asked if I could be given. As If a thief ever askes for something before taking it. I really don’t know what happened to it, but I know that, that middle-boss had to go take anger-management classes later on.
I have taken all experiences, and wants in life and eventually started to see what I could put all my focus on for the rest of my life, my purpose in existing in a way, everyone has their purpose, there’s no person in existence that didn’t have a purpose, but it’s none of the things I have talked about so far. Back to my debts! I’ve been in many institutionally created programs for the poor and un-employed and for those that aren’t neurotypical, years of years of therapy of different kinds just didn’t cut it, nothing worked, I tried to study to get my grades fixed, I got sick when there was barely any time left and fell behind with such a big gap that I ended mid-schoolyear, and years later I found my self going to a community high-school, the school in particular had a special program for neurodivergent people, and this was the first time that I started to feel alive and at peace. I could express myself and I was respected and listened to when I spoke, it was very different, and it was an art class in a way, poetry, working with clay, painting, and learning about basics in art, like how colours are responded to, together with other colours and to think outside of what is reasonable to use as materials in your expressions. It was fun and my class-mates became like a family, and I went there for two years I think, and the personal cost was 200 SEK per season for paintbrushes and such.
OBF short for Ord(Word) Bild(Picture) & Form(Shape) was designed to be a rehabilitation program for neuro-divergence and people with social anxiety and so on. Which I also perceived it to be, but the state welfare system look at it as school, and this is where it started fucking up my life, by forcing me to comply to taking a student loan while I was in rehab, because it was centred from a community high-school building, and connected to a school. I ended up having about 260.000 SEK in debts and that didn’t really help me go forth, be cause of this idiotic regulation and social-workers not being able to use their brains, my future from here on got stuck in a ‘Catch-22’ loop, which wasn’t realised at first at all. I was part of OBF for 2½ years of rehabilitation, and on the third year, I went to normal community high-school, to take care of my grades, I even got a scholarship from the school for something about my achievements. I was there every day, I did what I needed, and I did it without asking my teachers anything, but once about a math solution. The math teacher I had thought that I was cheating, since I would only write down the answers for most of the math questions. I just said that the answers just pop up for me, and he asked me to write down a solution to a random problem that he created, and I gave him a solution with the right answer at the spot, it was long though, a whole paper front for something that others would just write a couple of lines for, and it was because my calculations where long that I only wrote down the answers, and looking back to that now, I should have written everything down, because I haven’t really felt that I remember much of my studies. My teacher looked at it and couldn’t really get how I got to the answer with the way that I did, but the answer was right. I’m neurodivergent, I see things differently, I seek to see the whole picture, in order to enjoy the details.
Three years of student loans for something that I could had done without any loans, my math books was cheap and I barely used a calculator, so I borrowed one from a friend, It was so little money for me to spend, and I barely had any interactions with the teachers, I felt wronged to have needed to take student loans. Which in fact is tax money, so it’s just another welfare project, but this time you have to pay parts of it back. As if you live for free and don’t pay tax if you don’t have a student loan. Are they afraid that if you don’t have debts you will run to another country to work? I don’t get it, the government is totally corrupt with illiterate people running around playing with tax money as if it’s some kind of complex issue to handle with. Just take all the tax money, create a pool called Citizen Investment Fund, from that you give money to the unemployed(incl. students), sick and poor, it’s also for the purpose of helping new start up projects, to help them become a part of the free market then you create another fund and you call that Citizen Infrastructure Fund which is taxed for the purpose of renovations, and fix governmental infrastructure, transportation, schools, hospitals, fire stations, police stations, roads, etc then you create another fund and call it Citizen Education, Science, Health & Safety Fund, and that is what the tax also goes into, and it’s for Police, Teachers, Doctors, Nurses, Scientists, Fire Fighters and others. Then you create a new Citizen Pension Pool for everyone based on the year of their birth, and that is a fund that is used in solidarity, for an equal amount at the summit of their working life, you pay for your years pension, and the Investment Fund will help all the seniors if it’s a bad outcome of their work life. It needs polish, that’s true, but Instead of making people think that there’s these different rules surrounding the tax money is ridiculous, student loans should not even exist. Then you have the next thing. The Citizen Appearance Fund, this is a fully donation based fund, people grant money to projects that the people in the area want to have, so it’s for art in public places. The eaten apple art was not really well spent tax money. It was atrocious.
So I waited a year, and I tried to get in again, and I was now only in one line, no neurodivergent privileges this time. Reserve 3, and I waited, and no answer. Meaning I didn’t get in, and while waiting I was put on another form of tax the year earlier, and that tax form is payed out from another government body, where the money is perceived as a salary instead of welfare, but it’s basically welfare, it’s about the same amount of money. I did not start to pay on the student loan, because welfare doesn’t make you capable of anything other then surviving, if you can leech on others money however, then you can use as much welfare as you want to pay of loans. You can kind of pause the payments if you live on welfare, but if you have a salary you can’t, so since I couldn’t pause it, and not pay for it, it became a real problem, now the Swedish authorities became involved for real. The Swedish Enforcement Authority, it’s kind of like the banks personal mafia, if you can’t pay, they come and steal everything you have of value, in order to pay, but living on a welfare check kind of bounces them off, from stealing the things that will be capable of forwarding your life. This agency should be shut down, I have heard of some people having debts that are far less from the stuff that they take, because they don’t care, they just want the money, couldn’t care less if it ends up with you killing yourself or start using drugs or kill someone just because you stop caring, it’s not their job to have compassion it’s the banks mafia. Because lets get real, the banks own the governments, even though it’s there to serve and protect the people.
I’m angry at the government, it’s supposed to serve the people, not serve the people. (You got served, a form of saying you are to be seen in front of a judge), what I mean then is that the government, should be in service to the people, and not it’s governing body. I think we need to change the way it all works to be honest, dualistically put, it’s a mess.
Taxes, should be named annual national pledges.
Welfare, should be named annual citizen investment, and hold no regulations other then if you have a well paying job, it’s not going to be handed out to you, and it’s the individuals responsibility to stop the pay outs. If you want to start a corporation, and it doesn’t go well, then you should have the right to still go on the citizen investment till you are fully able to pay for the time spent. The first five years are usually a struggle for investment, and excellent innovations never see the light of day, because the firm goes under and everyone has to work for someone else. Survival of the fittest right? WRONG! It’s because of gatekeeping that it’s difficult to enter into the FREE market, because individuals with power starts buying other people’s innovations instead of leasing their services, which is how it should work in the real world. Instead monopoly eventually grows out of it, and that is where people fight over ideas and other things. FREE MARKET means the one with the best product wins over the crowd, not the one that owns everything is the king, and you can’t enter the landscape without paying the fee for walking in the forest.
In Sweden we have “Allemansrätten” or in English the “Freedom to Roam”, if I want to walk over someone’s property, I can do that, it’s my right as a citizen, but out of respect for others, we chose not to, I can walk in forests without having to deal with someone telling me I’m not supposed to, and the police can’t do anything about it, as long as I don’t break property or threaten anyone. I suppose this is why we are so ‘Ignorance is bliss’ about things, and really want to fight for the rights that we have. I’m against patents, they are stupid, patents should be at registration for everyone’s right to take part in and innovate upon, but it’s greed that claims ownership over an Idea that everyone can have at any one given moment. The USA broke patent laws in the second world war and used intellectual property, in order to build a competitive arsenal. Couldn’t have been done otherwise in the short time that they did it.
A boss; is a privileged Host to a party of Guests, and is there to Serve those that Offer their Currency of time, in order for Him or Her to attain their Dreams out of Respect. So hold them Dear, when everything becomes Clear.
I have tried a multitude of different ‘dating’ sites and applications, they haven’t worked, you get restricted from expressing yourself properly, and you end up not being accepted for who you are. The most common thing that I see is ‘I WANT’, and a candy store list. Nothing about how they perceive themselves in the present or 5, 10, 50 years down the road, it’s usually only ‘I HAVE’ & ‘I WANT’, and in some cases it’s even ‘I DON’T WANT’. Venturing of to these sites I quickly noticed that somethings were just off, not only with the people on them, but also surrounding the people that create the sites & apps, it’s badly coded, it’s not really based in social engineering, the end goal seems to be a get rich fast scam, and they do not respect the users time at all.
So I started to research the websites, a lot of them look really nice, but most of them are ridden with bots that waste your time, there to get you to play into their romantic scam scheme. Pricing is there to make money of as many as possible, and it seems that the high prices are there only for the sole purpose of proving that they aren’t interested in giving people what they need, it’s kind of just breaks society in pieces. This is where HugNet changed it’s path again. This time I’m going to create a dating site, and an application, and they will be built upon innovation and respect, that’s what I thought. It’s so much deeper then this though I have been purposing ideas to a friend, who’s intent is to potentially put money into it happening, and she has some totally new ideas herself, which is why we have taken paths into programming, last semester I started to learn C# programming, and in a day or so I will continue my classes in the subject. However, I have kind of lost touch with my friend for a bit, so I have no Idea what she is up to right now. A lot of our ideas are currently under respectful NDA, so this is as much as I have to say and release to the public. The dating industry is big it’s multi billion USD business. If I do this and don’t screw it up, I’m sure I’m going to be part of it, and with new ways of thinking that might put some fire into the competition. So recently I started to look into laws and regulations into stuff, but without money nothing is going to happen. It’s also a problem being a visionary without skills. I lost my chance to get into Web-design classes last month that would go on for 2 years, because I didn’t check my e-mail often enough, I became reserve 163, so I thought that if I was 1, 3 and 11 for University studies years ago, then all my chances are blown now, they stated that I was eligible for the classes based on my grades, and for me being a reserve means I’m an extra that won’t get a chance for entry, so that’s why I’m now taking up a Programming 2 class for the next 10 weeks instead. Not because I’m slow, but because If I get a manic episode, I will have time to adjust the pacing in my studies. Otherwise I could do it in 5 weeks instead, but what’s the haste when I still have to wait until February next year in order to get into classes that starts in August 2024. Can’t become a computer engineer, well become a web designer instead then. Learn to code and work your way up the food-chain. Awesome! Is that it? I’m going to become rich because others are desperate to meet other people? Not in my lifetime! I’m not interested in getting rich, my end goal is to help people, money doesn’t exist it’s a visual representation of how much others appreciate your time, as if my hour is less worth then your hour. It’s bullshit to be honest.
This is where everything has taken a turn backwards in my thinking again, I can’t program for shit, my thought process is there, but even if I have a Goal, I don’t have a Purpose. Who am I really doing this for? I’m not really the type of person that can have a drive forwards without anything in the tank, who is going to be the fuel that makes the engine go on? That’s the question, because random people is not going to be real fuel, it’s going to be like sugar, and sugar doesn’t have any energy in it, it’s sweet but empty, a little like me, I’m walking around with an empty tank trying to think of things that will change my life, but also coincide with my principles.
It’s the next philosophical iteration of what we today call THE WORLD WIDE WEB, in short THE INTERNET. It is the combined plans of a reconstruction of the space that we all love and adore for the most part, the gateway wherein we excel in our ways, to express ourselves, to learn, to communicate, to live. I don’t know how this is going to be possible, I only have a theoretical blueprint, the work is in the details.
The internet as I experienced it as a child was an open and strange landscape where chaos existed, and still do in many cases, people expressing themselves in many different ways, webpages everywhere, but now then? Well the internet as we knew it is dying, corporations have taken the habit of their corruption with absolution and to the brim of it’s extant. Gatekeepers that control and spy on every little detail of our lives, that buy up competition and censors whatever feels fit at the time, gradually locking down what you have the rights to access or do. It is no longer the free net that was envisioned.
So after years of learning about things, and with my mind that connects every little thread of thought; eventually came to a conclusion. We have fantastic technology in the world, how do you extend the olive branch so that everyone are willing to switch? With transparency of course!
The Hug Network is an open-source project with an application, that acts as closed pod of information, in it is all governmental identifications, such as your ID-Number, Name, Address, Education degree and grades, medical history and try to phish for my credit card information suckers, a cryptocurrency wallet; used for payments globally within The Hug Net, but not only that, a visa or master card is coupled to your pod. Built upon blockchains, every new block is a new identity, cut out the middle man. Decentralized banking is the way to go. You can link files that use peer2peer technology, for uploads and downloads, torrents baby!
The Hug Net has governmental issued access only, so if you wish to gain access, you will have to go to the closest police station for a new pod identification number, that only associates with you, which means the death to bots, it uses one login for access to everything shared and it’s a hardware key and a and a personal password, this is why you go to the police station to gain access, woops did you want to steal my money, it has end-to-end encryption for communication, no way around that, privacy is important, BUT the pods are logged, and everyone that are associated with a pod that is connected to crime is liable as an associate, so report crimes or lose access to the internet and jailtime depending on how deep your involvement is. So think about what you start to share with others. Don’t break copyright law. And about that, you want to watch videos? How about every streaming service made an API, that the Hug Network uses, you open your pod, and your main page is visible, in a corner you have settings, and beside it are a number of tabs to push, one of them is a video player, in it is what? A smart tv like view of options, I am from Sweden, so oh, what’s this? All channels that you chose to subscribe to in one place? Just a click away? Streaming from tv-stations, YouTube and a lot more, and it’s what my pod is subscribed to, what I pay for ends up being options and I can just start watching without remembering stuff. So what I mean is that all the videos from different pods are connected to become one space, where you search for a show or movie, and it will be displayed, regardless of if it’s YouTube, A Tv-Station, A streaming service etc. If you subscribe to a brand, you get it’s service added to your movie window, so beside Star Trek, might be a MrBeast, YouTube channels will have all their videos perceived as seasons and episodes, based on year and seasons.
Music? Oh you mean the player in the corner that connects to subscribed pods isn’t just there for movies it can also be switched from movies to audio so that you always are a small click away from playing music. It’s almost starting to sound like an operating system. Woosh. That’s how big this idea is, it’s a pod, where you cast and share yourself.
There is a core-cluster, which acts as a front end for creating hand shakes, this is a database of all users and consented public information, which the Hug Network sells, and revenue is then shared EQUALLY across the networks active accounts.
Active from the day of the systems birth, those who are dead are automatically sealed from changes through governmental agencies and consented handshakes from living relatives. Statuses change from Online to Offline when you disconnect your key, which means that you aren’t contactable, but still visible OR you are, you can even mute your status, that pauses external interactions making you virtually afk while working, sleeping or in social avenues. The core cluster has different archives, so it has corporations, and public figures which you can become through interaction algorithms and known facts, like a position in a corporation, organisation, through media, alternative or mainstream doesn’t matter, governmental bodies so you can follow or contact the local police, or the national if so be, etc. you press go to this page, and you have options for what kind of things you are looking for, corporations, governmental bodies or people, then country, county, municipality, city, and then you chose the person, government body or corporation that you want to follow or befriend with a open hand, if the other party accepts the handshake you are now eligible for more information. Oh you have a hidden identity? Don’t worry, your account cannot be befriended by the network wants to get their hands on you, or they can, with a false persona and computer animated picture, they wouldn’t even know where to begin to look for you. This is basically how Facebook already works(or any decent application regarding handshakes for connecting information), but Meta is a gatekeeper, and a fascist that creates policies because they don’t like individuality and freedom of expression, HugNet is the change here, sure it’s going to be some kind of gatekeeper, but it’s not going to dictate to people what they can say, think or do, or manipulate you into a bubble of information in order to control the outcome to your next vote in politics.
You write your own webpage, your own presentation and it’s hosted on your device, then as a safety measure or feature, all your hand shakes becomes caretakers of your profile, so if your computer break, no worries, as long as the hardware keys aren’t lost or hurt, it’s no worries, the page get’s recovered from the peer2peer network, how’s that for a hug? This is the one page that shows the world who you are and are capable of, you can make it professional, or you can make it cute, back to the old days where the spirit of expression was acknowledged and accepted and the norm.
Apply for work? Well use your pod! All your grades and certificates are there to be shared, and look for jobs through the core-cluster of The Hug Network, if you get to work for somebody that is hiring, then that gets added to your pods work history and ethics log and information, do a good job and you have a good review, do a bad job, and well, hope that it’s not just someone’s imagination for the bad review. When you are fired or quit, the pod automagically logs that after the works pod has opened it’s hand for a response and your pod accepts the decision. You can change your own status to freelancer, and choose the skill that it entails, since the pod has your education data, you chose from that, and if you get a certificate from a website that degree is also added to your education, when you finish it’s course.
THERE’S NO PRIVACY AND TRANSPARENCY AND SAFETY IN THIS! Wait, wait, wait. In the pod, some information is only accessible by governmental bodies to change, such as address, name, and so on, but that is public information and if they want more information about you later on, they will have to ask for more information, since you on your own can add information yourself and chose who gets what with individual permission. You can add a nick and brand name, the pod acts as your personal webpage, and information cluster, that others cannot access without your own permission. The really nice thing about this system is that it’s supposed to be easy. Governments get access to the general information about you, the things they already know right now, but they also get all the public information about you that you chose to share, it’s not really that different from how internet is now, The Hug Net is a pod based or cluster based infrastructure, where the individual shares what they share publicly, if anyone wants to know what they share publicly, all they have to do is go to the core-cluster and check themselves out, when they do that a spreadsheet should open up that unveils what you have accepted and declined to give out, and what you have accepted or declined to participate in, such as telemetry for AI or Ad’s. You can have it totally empty too, the governments will have the information regarding your name, id, place of birth, current residency, education, grades and medical history. That’s it. You might be able to opt out of the current residency, but it’s the address you give out anyway as soon as you start buying fast food to the door or buy something from a website, the postal service is basically a governmental body. It will never get to use information like what life-philosophy you have your faith put into or how many dogs you own etc. Because it would break the trust of the willing transparency, and you could sue your government for not respecting your wishes, as long as you aren’t connected to a criminal enterprise or gang, or individually act in criminal activity.
Safer connections! pods have a pod id, but in the pod is also your physical ID, meaning age, and this means you can restrict access of known sex-offenders to certain age-groups, but why not better yet, a internet that doesn’t try to brainwash kids, how about that, so first of youngest ‘consenting’ age should be 13, so people under 13 have a very limited access, to whom they can talk to and what not, 0-12 have access through their parents pods, and that means the parents have access to all information of what the kids have done, the can also limit access to only specific websites or channels. When a child reaches the age of 13, they go to the police station with a parent to get their pod created, and an access key to that said pod, and the child gets linked to the parents, family connections are there for the children’s safety, the age connections increments with time, 13-15, 16-20, 21-21+ The only grown up people that should be able to have contact with a child on the internet is the guardians and other close relatives. As you get older, the more of the Hug Network you get access too, every website that moves over to The Hug Net since it’s IPv6 only compatible, are to submit their associated content genre. Otherwise it will not be accessible to anyone. Transparency. None of this is to control what people have access to, it’s so that people can find what they are looking for, or filter what their children gets access too.
The Hug Net is not supposed to restrict everyone, it’s the individual that has all the power here, do you want to share your information? No? Okay then, every thing you do is shared in incremental steps, get all the options to share openly or not. The more I think about it the more unattainable it becomes, and it’s heart breaking, that gatekeepers get to control how I express myself. It shouldn’t be an external application that governs over your information, it should be data that you share when it’s asked for temporary access. You might go to an appointment, and usually people sit there and say, I need to ask for your permission to share this information to another agency, but if an agency want’s additional information, you could deny or accept that directly on your phone or computer.
It would be fun to have a dating function, and people put in their preferences, and just see how the amount of single people just vanishes from the pool of potential, then maybe people would think differently then they do now. Let’s say that two people are in a relationship, then that becomes public knowledge, you opt in through a request, and opt out when both accept, and you are not shown as a potential partner to date.
I Was thinking of when the pod gets created too, a picture of you will be taken at the police station, that becomes governmental information, but only for police, when you have a meeting you could use nfc to clock yourself . . . I’m starting to think that I’m describing a NFC chip, they can hold information and act as a pod, that’s scary though, I don’t want tech under my skin, it’s probably going to fudge up the biomagnetic field or something. The pod that I’m talking about is digital, and not physical in nature, I get blade runner dystopian feelings thinking of that being a pod. Identity chip, no thanks.
The internet as it is now, mostly wastes people’s time. Multiple websites in different places that never gets visited, to end up only giving a hosting service problems with space and other stuff. The pod could as easily just be a mini DYI server that is connected to the router, and accessed through computers or other devices like your miniPC you are limiting by software to be perceived as a mere phone with a calculator and cameras. As soon as an update is launched it’s pushed out directly through the whole network. Every bit of digital technology that we have today should be used incorporated into one simple application that is your communication network, that is your expression. I hear people screaming monopoly everywhere, did you forget that it’s open-source, meaning what? Everyone owns it, it’s governed by The Hug Network Organisation, but it’s just an empty core-cluster it’s basically just the system and the people will end up owning it. I don’t care about ownership, I just want my idea realised and created. The Hug Network is a Cluster and you are it’s nodes. The pods are the system, and The Hug Network is a router connecting the pods. They need each other. Transparency is the way forwards.
I know it was a bad presentation, it’s basically a web browser with a closed network and features that are added depending on your personal activity, it could act as a whole new operating system, but it’s not going to be that. If it’s something that someone wants to work with. . . That’s up to the potential partners and investors of this future project, I can only expose my open-source vision.