I have long looked into the many diverse conspiracy theories that exists out there, and to be called a conspiracy theorist would be wrong in all ways, I don’t theorise about anything, I want the truth where in it was born from; and that to be shared around the world. Like the murder of JFK being CIA, the moon landing fake or not, and a bunch of other things, I have even questioned conventional science and the way people behave, and how some seem to be without critical thoughts when it comes to third party evaluations.

Though Lies is games that many play in the world, I still wanted to question more, all and everything, even what we are taught if all of that is real, because everyone lies, the world is filled with people that care of nothing else but themselves. Even so, I found myself in a perception where I could taste the tip of paranoia, yet I never got afraid of any of the things people have been talking about. No! Never, while the stereotype is an incel in a basement hiding from the world with secrets that are unquestionable and far from the normal of the trustworthy, and I state this. There are no taboo; without question, and I live by that. I also live with the notion of Always questioning the Truth.




While in later days a lot of disclosure has happened, it’s also a lot of things in the documents that is what people want as answers meaning it’s probably not even real information, it’s what people think is the real deal, but the real and the dark and the things that we really need to speak of is still not fully discussed in the open, like established trafficking of humans small and more in sex-trade and a lot of other morbid stuff. Those that state the obvious or see the wrong things and noticed they tend to die, even from holistic medicine to technological breaks. 

People hear ‘conspiracy theory’ and they laugh at people thinking it’s this grand science-fiction plot that some nut-job has created in order to kill or take over the world, but mostly it’s really about earning a living, fast cash that is, and the consequences doesn’t outweigh their decisions, because in the end they earn from doing wrong and if they don’t get caught it’s a filthy big bonus at the end, if it’s not money, it’s out of fear, an extreme world view can make anyone scared, even though movies of dystopian societies with unclean air and fascist policies feels wrong to the core it’s still intriguing and a utopian society could be anyone’s hell, since in a utopia everyone needs to be on the same page, so what happens to those that aren’t? 

Everything has a opposite reaction, and the true utopia is to give everyone freedom to express themselves, and that also means it could go in either way, since people tend to follow others out of fear of what happens if they don’t, and this is where we are now. As I Truth Seeker, I tend to lean towards psychology more then anything else, and while most of it is a third party ‘you are different from me’ standpoint, it’s also from my perspective locked into a cycle of neglect and degradation. 


I’m going to make this short, really short. It’s TRUST ISSUES. If we stick to profiling a lot of the people in the world that theorise and or distrust the govern-ment-ality/-al. It’s a lack of trust in others that got them to seek what is true or not. I long walked around stating that if I cannot trust my birth parents, it’s impossible to trust others and I would tell people to prove they are trustworthy before I would even consider trusting them, that’s a defence mechanism, that is a way to govern my own safety and to keep me out of harms way, something that I later on came to comprehend and I now trust anyone and everyone, because I know that they will eventually thread past MY limits and expectations, and holding them at arms length at gunpoint isn’t really to let people in, sure I have let people in temporarily lots of times, but I have always been waiting for the knife in the back and that is bordering on paranoia, a fear of abandonment, and thus I usually ended things before it could become anything, and most of the times I would ignore people just to keep them uninterested, but that was something I figured out in recent years, and it all has to do with my childhood.

This got me to think of all the other things that I let inside to occupy my mind instead, conspiracies on another continent and even globally. The deeper you go, usually people get the more afraid, but I didn’t, I couldn’t. Somewhere in 2016/2017 It just popped into place. People depend on each other and that created most of the patterns that can be seen, one corporation or person was only a cog on an even greater wheel and they were all needed in order for the world to move forward, and some were more privileged than others, some also got better education and preparation for their future, while others starved in desperation to survive helped the few build empires that grew bigger than nations and now connect the majority of the world in an common culture of fast unhealthy food, drinks, candy, technology etc. We have become a global society, that with the greed of the few eventually gave us a few dominating languages to communicate with, which means bad eventually gave something good, with traumatic memories for those involved to work through, and that’s where we all are now.

PHI-Lo-So-PHY; Grow Slow, Bloom Big.

Slisk Lindqvist


We can’t have a global society without unification, sure I’m a globalist, I don’t like how nations separate everyone from each other, how old ignorance in differences created from greed and lies keep entertaining the majority of the humankind. Where the trauma is equal to our fears control our well-being and lives.

A lot of people seem to think that some are out to divide in order to gain power, but we give words power over us, not others, so power can never be gain only given, and that’s why I don’t believe in a majority of the theories that exist today. There are a lot of things people don’t know about the world and it’s old world views, prejudice and expectations that created what we stand on right now, and the xenophobia is a direct PROOF of our trust issues in others. People keep forgetting that even though the snow is beautiful, every single snowflake even though they look alike, they had different resistances to drop through, other conditions and yet in the end they all ended up the same.

Life gives us a clear indication that with time, we all are led through the same resistances, even though the conditions are different, and we are all the same. The trust issues that we ALL hold within, are within, and we need to attack not others, but ourselves, we have to start looking at ourselves as our one and only enemy and burn everything to the ground, for me a utopia is to own up on your own shit and the dystopia is to blame everything on external elements. This is a big taboo for a lot of people, but in order to start looking out for each other, we also need to start to talk to each other, and the only way to do that is to LISTEN, something that most people are unable to do even though they think that they are listening, because everyone tend to project themselves, all the insecurities, fears, expectations, experiences and so on, and are incapable of being objective. 

I have many times told people that a word is an empty cup, and what I fill it with shouldn’t necessarily be what you think it is and then drink. For me, a bully is a person that is incapable of comprehending the issue the other one has with what you say and keep on doing what they do because there’s a reaction, but when that reaction ends, they don’t get the attention that they crave, and usually violence isn’t part of it till the one or the other says something that the other one takes personally, and get offended by. Which for me means that a bully doesn’t exist it’s all in our minds, it’s there that the fight needs to start and not with others. There are ONLY victims in this world, that’s the big sin, we judge ourselves by projecting it upon others and then attack that image.

That is basically where conspiracy theories are from in my perspective, but truth always leaks out eventually. Humans look at patterns, they look externally and they react to how they feel, and act upon it. We should, but we should also start our first focus on the internal long before we even start thinking of the world around us, and I think that this is something that needs to be incorporated in schools, not only that, humans are animals, we feel intention long before we see the threat just like all other beings on earth, because we are all connected ‘bio-electrically’.

I know that’s a hard pill to swallow. Questions gives answers, wither we like it or not. I also get it that this might just be a long rant, that didn’t give you any new thoughts.